We give our best so as to both site´s profiting!

We founded this project to communicate and to bear down some typical problems of modern societies.

For example meaning social networks which in our opinion are all in all mostly joined by hedonistic motivation. One should honestly think about stop mavering in own representation and caring for virtual friendship management like this. 

One´s got to agree that settig a like just most of the time says just one once made a click there. A big click in that second but just a rediculous one for mankind. Well that may be a bad state for reasons like we would be geallous for the success of some huge social networking projects or like one would have no real friends but those manged by web2.0 platforms but we have the heart to speak that out because it´s truth and because we have a serious and efficient solution for that paltry problem. 

Everyone schould also network in founded local groups of people of a street or of house-community or of a distintive area to rise a local societies which would be able to act autonom for some reasons. We would call this an "autogether" principle. Every other web2.0 using in our understanding is unnecessary inefficient and far from reality. 

Imagine the advantages over staying on one´s own in diffrent situations of daily routine and unforseen events and changes.

No one would need to panic in case of a suppliement-problem cased by other emergencies for example.

On the other hand one should really worry because of reasons like not beeing web2.0-networking and real connected to people around oneself like in a street, part of a street or in a distintive local area.

What kind of personal crisis management is able to rise and to be driven out of the poor situation not to stand in good relation and constant comminication to people in one´s periphery? Sitting alone worrying for every next day in case of general problems or changes? 

Again: the more people using our system the more people are able to profit from that system.

How it works you can find out y clicking on "How it works"

What our priciples are you´ll find out y clicking on "fundamentals"




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