intercultural understanding and economic cooperation


The more people using our system the more people are able to profit from that system.

Every person on the planet should not only be eligible to use the theoretic possibilities of economic and fundamental cooperation and networking - in big as well as in small business-concerns - but also really be abled to put oneself in place to act and work under humane and self-choosen terms and conditions to engage for ones additional benefit to care for an appropriate life-standard.

This conversion should not begin by beeing afraid or by estimating cases of emergencies. The process is to be supported in good mood and the counting on other awakening people who realize something really has to change and to be driven by cooperating local people. One may start by testing our system and believing into other people´s open mind to the culturelan principle like this

  • one person makes non-binding special requests for a friend or an acquaintance
  • non-binding local requests and demands for miniservices are possible
  • collective or related intrests of a local society are able to be determined by our system
  • collective or related intrests of a local society are able to be adjusted by our system
  • individual joint-initiatives can be disclosed, served and supported 


We will find relating people and relating requests to your special demands. We are also able to lincence a innovative multi-level MIS-solution for your expanding company or just for helping you increasing or starting your own innovative business.

Use our databases and systems to generate or include changes in your life by intelligent cooperating with other people.

Ease coordination of your special needs may it be housekeeping aspects or may it be creating and pushing useful and necessary changes in your environment!


See our already existing projects right side in the menu under the points databases and projects.


You are welcome to join the existing non-commercial projects and to ask us for help by realizing your alternative or business projects with our system.




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