Culturelan MIS activities and periphery-services


The Culturelan method offers a variety of webform-based request-handling systems for matching and bundling those simple requests.

In our eyes Culturelan is a key to rise web3.0 because we think web3.0 has to connect internet and real life "just in time". Furthermore web3.0 should provide fortress to people due making it easely possible for everyone to serve distinctive solutions and to manage an increasing set of outcomes very efficient.

So far Culturelan could be an inicial incident or a basic priciple for an upcoming web3.0 evolution in the next few years.

Culturelan Software is also useful for delegating filtered request-results, for coordination of duties and responsibilities, for supporting sales, services or services products. We also provide our fundamental intellectual abilities of abstract thinking and rethinking important and potential advanced MIS solutions for our customers. If needed - consulting, inventional, conceptional and modificational services will be offered an done by our high motivated team.

MIS systems are primarily about managing and controlling people, data or situations . The simple management structure allows our customers to filter and match a set of outcomes as those where put in by webforms. One is now able to set request-parameters for building request-webforms by his own and is always up-to-date about the input of tremendous amounts of users all over the place that will easely fill out and transfer that webform to the developer.

Our MIS systems can be used single or by administration of a group of employees or coworkers. It can be useful in connection with your business additional to customer-specific systems (for example as route-calculation application but thats only one single example of many many possible web-application or web-services).

Through the knowledge and ideas concerned to our developent and basic priciples in rising Culturelan Multilevel-MIS and because we offer periphery-services, we are able at any time to give you quickly and cost-effectively solutions, which are tailored to your business requirements.




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